
Prairie Action ND

By: Amy Jacobson, Executive Director, Prairie Action ND

May 31, 2024

“Yesterday Donald Trump became the first former president in United States history to be convicted on criminal charges. Despite facing threats and harassment, a jury of everyday Americans had the courage to weigh the evidence and convict Trump of 34 felonies for deceiving voters in order to seize power. From paying off individuals to keep voters from learning of his scandals in a blatant attempt to interfere with the election, to inciting a deadly insurrection on January 6, 2021, to threatening our national security by illegally retaining classified documents and obstructing justice, Donald Trump has repeatedly jeopardized American democracy by stoking chaos and disorder.

We are extremely disappointed in North Dakota politicians who not only continue to be in lockstep with Trump but are also jeopardizing democracy by intentionally politicizing this grave situation. Our leaders must put the rule of law and the principles of our democracy above partisan politics. Prairie Action ND stands firm in our commitment to uphold democratic values and will continue to advocate for accountability and justice. We urge our fellow citizens and leaders to do the same, ensuring that the foundations of our democracy remain strong and unshaken,”