Prairie Action ND

ND Organizations Urge Gov. Burgum to Invest in Child Care in Open Letter

An Open Letter to Governor Burgum Add your name here.  Dear Governor Burgum, Child care is a critical component of a thriving economy. Access to affordable child care is essential for parents to stay in the workforce. Many communities across North Dakota lack accessible and affordable child care to meet the demand for our state’s […]

North Dakota Legislators Set to Copy & Paste Texas Abortion Ban

September 5th, 2021 By now you have heard the news, the state of Texas has implemented the most extreme abortion ban in the county. It is an unconstitutional law that bans abortion at six weeks, well before most women even know they are pregnant. In Texas, as in most states, 85 to 90% of abortions […]

ND Watchdog: Rash of School Board Recalls “Wasteful”​

August 4, 20201Shared from Public News Service: FARGO, N.D. — The people behind efforts to recall four Fargo School Board members have until August 25th to collect signatures. Ahead of that deadline, a statewide watchdog group sees the national movement to shake up local school boards as abusing the process. Mask mandates and communication issues were among […]