“Low Interest Loans to Pay for Child Care” are Not the Answer
January 9, 2022 | By Melissa Gjellstad, Grand Forks, ND The Grand Forks Herald Editorial board is right, we need to figure out a way to make child care more affordable for North Dakota’s working families. It’s really expensive, even with just one kid. One year of child care is equivalent to a year’s tuition […]
‘Toxic’ Environment Causes Two ND Women Legislators to Retire
By Amy Jacobson, executive director of Prairie Action ND | Nov. 26, 2021 It’s true: Elected leadership that reflects the population of our state is critical to policymaking that is responsive and beneficial to the lived experiences of our diverse communities. Recently, we’ve seen quite a loss of women in elected office. This is concerning […]
Working Families Relying on Congress to Fix Child Care Crisis and Pass Build Back Better
By Landis Larson, president North Dakota AFL-CIO | Nov. 21, 2021 This special session was a missed opportunity to focus on what North Dakota working families need, with attention instead being spent on divisive social issues that have little to do with North Dakota. During the special session the North Dakota AFL-CIO was part of […]
Investments in Child Care in Build Back Better a Giant Leap Forward for North Dakota’s Working Families
For Immediate Release: Oct. 29, 2021 FARGO, ND – Yesterday the Biden Administration released the Build Back Better framework to grow the U.S. economy and to spur recovery for both American families and businesses. The historic $1.75 trillion plan includes investments in affordable child care, health care, housing, and workforce development. Statement from Amy Jacobson, […]
Lack of Child Care in Rural Communities is Hurting Children in Need of Foster Homes
By: Lindsey WilkinsonOctober 16, 2021 I am a mom and a union steelworker building Bobcats in southeast North Dakota, where my husband, Will, also works and we are both active in our union and community. In addition to raising our own kids, last year we opened our home to fostering kids. This has been a […]
Planned Parenthood in ND Awarded Sex Education Grant
October 14, 2021 FARGO, ND – Effective and reliable sex education will continue in North Dakota. The U.S. Department of HHS has awarded Planned Parenthood North Central States a $250,000 annual grant to implement age-appropriate, evidence-based sex education in North Dakota. The Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) grant period is for 3 years: September 30, […]
‘Housing is a Human Right’ topic of October Solidarity Saturday
October 7, 2021As submitted to Prairie Action ND The North Dakota Voices Network invites you to attend (Virtual) Solidarity Saturday on the October 8th at 10am. You can register for the virtual event here. Solidarity Saturday is a space for North Dakotans to expand their knowledge, engage in conversation, and build community; all underscored by […]
Special Session Should Focus on Working Families Priorities
September 29th, 2021As submitted to Prairie Action ND With the upcoming special session, the Legislature and Governor must consider assisting working families with wrap-around benefits to fully address the workforce availability problem. With additional funds coming from the Federal government from the pandemic, we need to think strategically about making the most of these dollars […]
Get Federal Relief Aid to the People
September 6th, 2021As submitted to Prairie Action ND This Labor Day, we at the North Dakota AFL-CIO would like you to think about the working people of North Dakota, but also the $1 billion of federal relief money meant to go to working people that is tied up at the Bank of North Dakota right […]
North Dakota Legislators Set to Copy & Paste Texas Abortion Ban
September 5th, 2021 By now you have heard the news, the state of Texas has implemented the most extreme abortion ban in the county. It is an unconstitutional law that bans abortion at six weeks, well before most women even know they are pregnant. In Texas, as in most states, 85 to 90% of abortions […]